• djogzs
    Anime Ninja

History of Ninjutsu

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Spying in Japan dates as far back as Prince Shōtoku (572–622), although the origins of the Ninja date much earlier. According to Shōninki, the first open usage of ninjutsu during a military campaign was in the Gempei War, when Minamoto no Kuro Yoshitsune chose warriors to serve as shinobi during a battle; this manuscript goes on to say that, during the Kenmu era, Kusonoki Masashige used ninjutsu frequently. According to footnotes in this manuscript, the Gempei war lasted from 1180 to 1185, and the Kenmu Restoration occurred between 1333 and 1336. Ninjutsu was developed by groups of people mainly from the Iga Province and Kōka, Shiga of Japan.[citation needed] Throughout history the shinobi have been seen as assassins, scouts and spies who were hired mostly by territorial lords known as the Daimyo. They conducted operations that the samurai were forbidden to partake in. They are mainly noted for their use of stealth and deception. Throughout history many different schools (ryū) have taught their unique versions of ninjutsu. An example of these is the Togakure-ryū. This ryū was developed after a defeated samurai warrior called Daisuke Togakure escaped to the region of Iga. Later he came in contact with the warrior-monk Kain Doshi who taught him a new way of viewing life and the means of survival (ninjutsu).

Ninjutsu was developed as a collection of fundamental survivalist techniques in the warring state of feudal Japan. The ninja used their art to ensure their survival in a time of violent political turmoil. Ninjutsu included methods of gathering information, and techniques of non-detection, avoidance, and misdirection. Ninjutsu can also involve training in free running, disguise, escape, concealment, archery, and medicine.

Skills relating to espionage and assassination were highly useful to warring factions in feudal Japan. These persons were literally called “non-humans” (非人 hinin?). At some point the skills of espionage became known collectively as ninjutsu, and the people who specialized in these tasks were called shinobi no mono.

Ninja jūhakkei was often studied along with Bugei Jūhappan (the “eighteen samurai fighting art skills”). Though some are used in the same way by both samurai and ninja, other techniques were used differently by the two groups (ninja martial arts was adaptation to surprise attacks at night, in the back or ambush and at espionage to stun the enemy for escape in case of detection). Ninja fought in the lack of space (thicket bush in the forest, narrow corridors and low rooms locks).[12]

The 18 disciplines are:

Seishinteki kyōyō – spiritual refinement
Taijutsu – unarmed combat
Kenjutsu – sword techniques
Bōjutsu – stick and staff techniques
Sōjutsu – spear techniques
Naginatajutsu – naginata techniques
Kusarigamajutsu – kusarigama techniques
Shurikenjutsu – throwing weapons techniques
Kayakujutsu – pyrotechnics
Hensōjutsu – disguise and impersonation
Shinobi-iri – stealth and entering methods
Bajutsu – horsemanship
Sui-ren – water training
Bōryaku – tactics
Chōhō – espionage
Intonjutsu – escaping and concealment
Tenmon – meteorology
Chi-mon – geography

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